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Ziua Vista

Wednesday, January 31, 2007 by kod

Astazi a aparut Vista.
De acum incepem sa il tot punem ca seconday OS, sa il scoatem cand incepe sa ne enerveze si iar sa il punem cand mai vedem un articol sau auzim o parere buna despre el. Va urma o perioada in care toata lumea va zice ca nu da XP'ul pe Vista..dar, la un moment dat va trebui sa facem pasul si sa renuntam la good ol' XP, asa cum s'a intamplat si cu Win98, care la aproape 2 ani de la aparitia XP a inceput sa fie uitat. Mai e si Microsoft care va mai oferi suport pentru XP pentru inca doi ani. Vom vedea ce apare in perioada urmatoare si cand vom face migrarea catre noul sistem de operare. PUNCT.



Tuesday, January 30, 2007 by kod

Ma gandeam zilele astea sa imi fac o lista cu software-ul folosit de mine. In mare parte aplicatii de care sunt destul de legat. No, cam astea sunt:


Symantec Antivirus, un antivirus bun pe care il folosesc si acasa si la munca (cu licenta). Contrar produselor gen Norton AV, domnul consuma foarte putine resurse si se comporta exemplar la detectie.
Spybot: Search and Destroy, il folosesc rar, mai fac cate o scanare din cand in cand
Outpost Firewall, are si un modul antispyware, numai ca il dezactivez. Firewall-ul este excelent, are un grad de configuratie fantastic si daca stai si il configurezi atent la inceput, nu insista cu atentionarile.


Thunderbird si asta pentru ca folosesc suita Portable Apps pe stick


Foobar, ca player media, are un consum redus de resurse, plus ca stie foarte multe, and it's free :)
Media Player Classic, am instalate Quicktime Alternative si Real Alternative si e player default pentru .mov si .rm
Divx Total Pack codecs and shit
WinDVD, player DVD
VLC, player divx, xvid and so on


Konst Pinger, pentru ca inca mai sunt la RDS :(
Xnview viewer OK
SpamBayes, for the spammer in you
O&O Disk Defrag
CCleaner, face bine ceea ce face

Looks and feel:

Vista transformation pack, m'am obisnuit cu temele astea
TaskSwitchXP, folositor pentru inlocuirea Alt+TAB'ului, mult mai practic
ObjectDock, la fel, m'am obisnuit cu el si il gasesc folositor pentru shortcuturile frecevente

Cam astea ar fi...poate se mai adauga ceva, sau se mai modifica lista..in mare totusi astea raman.



Friday, January 26, 2007 by kod

Suntem in mijlocul sezonului de reduceri. OK, what's wrong with it? ati zice, dar nu e chiar asa. Am dat azi o raita prin magazine in cautare de blugi, insa nu am gasit nimic care sa imi placa. Bine, sunt dificil - recunosc..Cu toate astea raspunsul la intrebarea: Asta e tot ce aveti? A fost: Ahhh pai dupa ce se termina perioada de reduceri ne aprovizionam. WTF? Reducerile erau numai la tricouri pe care scrie cu argintiu sau auriu - dupa caz - "DE PUTA MADRE". Prost gust as zice eu, afaceri ar zice ei. Normal ca au reduceri daca ei aduc numai produse ieftine, parca special concepute pentru perioada asta. In concluzie, abia astept sa se termine perioada asta. Nu de alta, dar vreau sa imi cumpar si eu o pereche de blugi mai decenta asa.
On the other hand...ALL IS EMPTY :(



Monday, January 22, 2007 by kod


Radio On-line

by kod

Posting in english, again..dunno why. Maybe in the mood for it.
To the left, to the left...goddamnit
UH, listened a lot of online radio these days, one of them is hitzradio.com , when in mood for urban, I always tune here, the music is good, playlist rotation is not that stressing, and u can listen mainly hip-hop, rnb and alternative. Anyway, found smth interesting on their page, media player for Nokia mobile phones, that allows you to play (from a list of radio stations that are offering this service) online radio on your phone. Well .. I was a non-believer at first, because I didn't think that our GPRS will think it's a good ideea. Installed it though, and had a big surprise, not only that it works, but also the interface is awesome, the stream is ok, without any "bumps" and you also have the song's name, album art and a chance to rate the song (upto 5 stars). Spodradio , 'cause that's it's name, has a different look every week (i guess - not sure yet) based on an specific artist (Gorillaz and Depeche Mode 'till now) and has a search engine inside that can look to your favorite radiostation by genre, country or whatever you want. It even has some di.fm ... The things that i don't like that much are that it doesn't ask me if he can use send/receive data, as all others mobile apps ask, i don't have an option to shut off the downloading of visuals and it seems to eat a lot of battery also. But hey, you want cool stuff...you gotta pay the price, anyway, in conclusion, it's stuck on my mobile and i will use it quite often.
To the left, to the left...damnit


to the left, to the left

by kod

Everything you own in the box to the left...

Goddamnit, this fuckin' song is everywhere, must of heard it for tens of times this weekend and I'm really sick of it. The tragic part is that their evil plan worked, they somehow managed to innoculate some lyrics in my left part of the brain (to the left, to the left) and they sure don't seem to get out in the near future. To the left, to the left...ermmm, i even caught myself turning the volume up on this song, I guess i was in some sort of trance or something...Uhhh when it will end???


Tab Effect

Thursday, January 11, 2007 by kod

Prima data cand am vazut Tab Effect in actiune am zis whooooooooa! E un add-on frumos, cool si da o senzatie placuta...cel putin la inceput. Foloseste DirectX 8.0 totusi, deci daca ai o placa video de rahat, mai bine te lasi pagubas! ;) Sa vedem ce imbunatatiri or sa apara in timp - asta daca nu o sa ma plictisesc de el mai repede.



Monday, January 8, 2007 by kod

Imi e lene...lene de absolut tot. Am vrut sa scriu in perioada asta de pe telefon, da' cand am ajuns la Posting...a venit si lenea :) si l-am inchis. Sunt la munca totusi, incepand de azi...cu toate astea inca nu a revenit cheful. Cand o sa vina o sa apara si un post despre Maramures si minunatiile lui in poze si vorbe ;) or smth...
Cica sa iti reincarci bateriile...pfff more like a total depletion (trebuie sa fie horinca de vina).
PS: La Multi Ani!
